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Catalis Solutions

Transformational Government Solutions

Increase staff efficiency, productivity,

and engagement


Modernizing the payment experience with powerful solutions to increase revenue collections, exceed constituent expectations, and improve cash flow.

Tax & CAMA

Turnkey tax solutions for government that can handle even the most complex tax and property workflows and transform your business.

Courts & Land Records

Future-focused solutions enable courts to streamline workflows and eliminate inefficiencies — resulting in reduced case backlogs and a more productive staff.

Public Works (CMMS)

Intuitive tools that facilitate public requests, resource planning, and local communications that are crucial to support a connected community.

Citizen Engagement

Solutions that facilitate citizen engagement are essential. Our best-in-class digital tools improve community connection, staff efficiency, and government transparency.

Regulatory & Compliance

Comprehensive solutions address critical compliance needs, helping agencies stay on top of the latest state, local, and federal regulatory changes with ease.

Learn more about Catalis software for government and its role across North America.