Catalis Tax & CAMA can supercharge government operations and bring them closer to their citizens.
By Pat Harper, Chief Technology Officer, Catalis
Cloud-based software solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they are particularly beneficial for managing state and municipal taxes. These solutions offer a range of benefits, including improved efficiency, greater accuracy, and increased transparency. At Catalis, we offer a host of solutions in the Tax/CAMA vertical to provide state, county and municipal governments the information they need to manage their tax base and engage their citizens.
Real Estate Taxes
One area where our cloud-based software solutions can be particularly helpful is in managing real estate taxes. Catalis Tax Billing and Collections provides administration of real estate taxes so that municipalities can provide citizens with more streamlined and convenient ways to manage their tax obligations. With accurate and up-to-date information available through both traditional statements and online portals, citizens can quickly and easily review their tax bills and property valuations. By providing easy access to this information, government entities can help promote transparency and improve trust among residents.
Integrated CAMA Solution
Catalis Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) solution provides substantial benefits to a municipality’s tax system. CAMA solutions can help assessors and appraisers manage property valuations and tax assessments more effectively by providing automated workflows, accurate valuations, and detailed reporting. By integrating with various geo mapping and location services, and providing detailed data on size, area, property characteristics and history, valuations can be compared quickly and effectively for high levels of accuracy. With automated workflows and processes, assessors and appraisers can work more efficiently and reduce the risk of errors. By providing detailed reporting and analysis, CAMA solutions can also help municipalities make informed decisions about tax rates and property values.
Permits and Licenses
Catalis Permitting and License Management can be used as a standalone product, or as an integrated option for municipalities to manage the application and approval process within the municipality, eliminating paper systems and providing online access for a high degree of citizen engagement. As an integrated solution, our permitting system integrates with our Tax management system to provide a single sourced solution for tying permits to taxes and property valuations. Our system not only handles the application, workflow and notification process, but provides administrators with the information they need to support approval decisions and collections as a result. By reducing paperwork and administrative tasks, Catalis can help government agencies save time and money. Catalis Permitting and License Management can provide real time access to information improving the engagement between government and citizen. Additionally, by reducing the need for in-person visits, agencies can save on facility and staffing costs.
Property Tax Oversight and Administration
Catalis’ Oversight and Administration solution is designed specifically for state property tax oversight agencies that need to track and measure the performance of taxing jurisdictions that are valuing property. Through data aggregation, analytics and insights the Valuation module provides you with the tools to identify valuation inequities. Are you buried under paper filings? The E-File module that is part of this solution manages all types of filings in a configurable, easy to use platform. It eliminates paper waste and enables your data to do more for you. The Oversight and Administration solution can be used as a standalone product or as an integrated option with our other Tax and CAMA solutions.
Business Taxes
Catalis cloud-based software solutions for Tax can also be beneficial for managing business taxes. Catalis solutions help municipalities keep track of tax obligations for businesses of all sizes and types. By providing businesses with clear guidance on tax requirements, deadlines and statement management, municipalities can reduce the risk of errors and ensure that businesses are current on their tax payments.
Personal Property
Catalis cloud-based software solutions can also manage tax records and collections for motor vehicles. Our solutions support various assessment methods by state in a manner similar to real estate and other personal property. Make, Model, Age, Asset Condition and Disposition are tracked accordingly and various methods of engagement and collection are supported. Catalis Tax solutions automate tasks such as data entry and record-keeping, and help municipalities save time and resources. Our systems can free up staff to focus on higher-value activities, such as customer service and compliance monitoring. Catalis Tax systems make it easier for taxpayers to access their tax bills and other information online, reducing the need for in-person visits to government offices. This improve the overall citizen experience and reduces the burden on staff.
Integrated Tax and CAMA Solutions with Permits, Assessment, and Payments
By integrating Tax and CAMA solutions with permits, assessment and payment systems, municipalities can provide citizens with a more streamlined and convenient experience when managing their tax obligations. Citizens can access accurate and up-to-date information about their property values, applications, and tax assessments through online portals, and they can make payments quickly and securely through integrated payment options. This improves citizen satisfaction and promotes trust in municipal tax systems. Integration with Catalis Tax Payments offers citizens multiple payment methods and channels to keep up with their obligations. Both government and citizen benefit through improved access to information and ease of use.
In addition to the benefits Catalis brings to government about their ability to manage Taxes and Real Estate, our cloud solutions also help streamline the basic operation of government. Catalis cloud solutions are architected for high availability and resiliency. Our systems are inherently redundant and backed up in a manner that optimizes recovery times in the event of a major outage or disaster situation. Catalis manages the cloud operation on behalf of our clients, offering them the opportunity to focus on the value to their constituents without worrying about the underlying technology. Our solutions meet the highest standards of security and compliance and are architected under the guidelines of established government frameworks.
To conclude, Catalis Tax cloud-based systems provide numerous benefits for managing taxes and helping municipalities to increase efficiency, streamline collections, reduce costs, and improve the overall experience for taxpayers.
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